1. Decide you need to stop being lazy after hours of watching Netflix.
2. Get excited about going to the farmers market in downtown Portland.
3. Get really excited because you love the farmers market and you love Portland!
4. Walk to the MAX.
5. Buy ticket.
6. Board.
7. Watch as two people fight about who is more disabled and deserves the priority seating.
8. Notice that the ride is unusually jerky today.
9. Sigh as the MAX stops unexpectedly - between stops.
10. Watch as the lights go out.
11. Listen as they announce that a supervisor is on his way to look at it.
12. Get off when ordered to.
13. Wait as they try to get the train out of the way so another one can come.
14. See that the next one has no empty seats, even before one person from your train boards.
15. Cross the street.
16. Get on train going in opposite direction.
17. Arrive home.
18. Consider it a failed mission.
19. Be sad for the two hours of your life wasted.
20. Go back to watching Netflix.