Sunday, November 9, 2014

Big News!

Besides the recent birth of our twins, we have even more exciting news here at the Larsen house...

We are moving to Clovis, California! 

The kids and I are headed there this weekend, and Daniel will follow a week later with all of our stuff. We figured that the kids and I would really not be any help during the move, and it would just be better for us to get out of the way. We also thought about driving there, but decided that that would be a nightmare with two newborns that like to eat every hour or so. So, we will be flying. I'm sure it will still be crazy, but hopefully less so. At least it will be far fewer hours of craziness. We just can't seem to get away from moving with a newborn (or two!).

Daniel will be starting a new job working for a company called Sierra HR and we will get to live much closer to both families. We found a house to rent that is 5 minutes from Daniel's family (and about 2.5 hours from my family). We are so excited to spend more time with them and get some extra help too.

Speaking of help, we have had some awesome helpers with us lately. First, my mom came the week before the babies were born. I was so happy to have her here to watch Will while we were in the hospital. We took advantage of our last few days before the babies. We did lots of fun things with her (including pink pedicures with twin flowers - ignore the very fat pregnant feet!), and Daniel and I even went on a date to P. F. Changs. Will thought she was there to play with him 24 hours a day!


Next, Daniel's mom came. We loved having her. Will quickly made the switch and found a new best friend to play with!

We also had lots of wonderful friends and church members who visited and brought us many dinners. We are so grateful for all of the help!

1 comment:

abigail said...

You do have the greatest mom! How fun that you will be so close to her again!