Sunday, August 12, 2012

Anniversary Celebrations

Our 4th Anniversary is on Thursday (August 16th). Daniel will be working during the day, and then we are flying to California that night for Daniel's sister's wedding. We are very excited about the wedding and getting to visit both of our families, but traveling is not the most fun/romantic way to spend an anniversary. So, we decided to do part of our celebrating this weekend.

This is our first anniversary with a baby, which meant that we had to get a babysitter! Thankfully, Skyler and Tiffany were nice enough to watch Will. It was his first time being babysat by anyone besides family, but he survived (and so did I)! We went to eat some delicious fondue at The Melting Pot. We love that place. Sadly, we forgot our camera, so you will just have to look at the logo and imagine us there.

After we picked up Will, it was still early, so we headed to the mall. I was excited to get some new clothes (and by "new clothes" I mean "clothes that fit me" - still working on that baby weight...). Daniel was excited to get some video games that we can play together (we are always on a quest to find games we both enjoy). And then my favorite part of the night...

Photo-booth pictures!!! These pictures were especially flattering of Will. Make sure you notice Will's face on picture #3. And #1. I bet #2 and #4 would have been pretty great too if I hadn't cut off his face.

I laugh every time I see that face in #3. I don't know how he made such crazy faces, but I am so glad we captured them! We have decided that photo-booth picture will be a fun tradition with our kids each year. It will be especially fun to try to fit our whole family in, as it was a very tight fit for just two adults and a baby.

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