Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Instead of taking a shower...

This morning, I was about to take a shower. The water was on, the baby was on the floor of the bathroom, and the bathroom door was locked. I like to lock the bathroom door just so I know that my baby is not being kidnapped while I shower. I know it is completely unnecessary, but I'm just crazy like that.

Suddenly, I looked at Will and was absolutely overcome by his cuteness! I ran to get my camera so I could get a few pictures (and ended up with a video, too). In the video, you can even hear the shower water still running. Yes, I am a water waster. It didn't occur to me until after I was done with the camera that I could have turned off the water. Like I said, he was just so adorable. I wasn't thinking straight.

This video is probably only cute for family members. Not a lot happens in it, but I thought I would include it anyway. I hardly ever watch other people's videos on their blog, so I really won't be offended if you don't watch mine.

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