Sunday, July 1, 2012


Yesterday was an exciting day for Will!

1) His daddy got home from a campout with the scouts. Hooray! We missed him.

2) He tried out his Jumperoo for the first time. I found it on Craigslist for $25. Yeah!! He loved it - especially the blue tree frog that he is looking at in the second picture. It is his new best friend.

3) He actually rolled onto his side to play with his pink bathtub. Yay! Although he was not rolling over completely, it does give me hope that he will roll over someday and has not been ruined by the lack of tummy time mentioned in the previous post. Unfortunately, he rolled part of the way back when I got the camera. Well, you get the idea.

4) We applied for Will's very first passport. Here is his passport picture. It is quite a cute mugshot. And look how patriotic he is!

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