Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Coolest Soda Machine Ever

Yesterday, we spent some time with some good friends who are visiting Washington. Somehow I didn't get any pictures of the little girls, so I'll have to do another post once I track down the pictures from our last playdate.

One of the best parts of the day was finding the coolest soda machine ever at Five Guys. I have been to multiple Five Guys locations, but only in Issaquah, WA have I found this machine.

Yes, I took a picture of a soda machine. It was that cool. The screen you see here displays 22 different drink options. However, once you touch one of the 22 options, you are presented with MORE flavor options. I chose Peach Sprite and it was the most delicious thing I have ever tasted. Find yourself one of these machines!!

Although the soda machine was a highlight, we did have a great time playing all day. One of my favorite pictures was taken at the park.

This cute picture happened right before he decided that he really wanted to lick the metal bars (which I did not let happen), and right before a nine year old got on the swing next to him and scared him half to death by the shaking of the swing set. So, we didn't stay on the swing long, but long enough to get this adorable picture!

***Update: If you go here: , you can type in your zip code and find a soda machine near you!***

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

My Life as a Teacher

I have been a 1st Grade teacher for the past four years. It was my first "real" job and it was a great one.

Sure, it could be challenging at times, and there were some not so fun moments occasionally, but I knew it was exactly what I should be doing. There were many circumstances leading up to this job that helped be know that it was where I needed to be. I was so blessed to have that job.

I loved my classroom and school, but I especially loved my cute little kids and the teachers I worked with. I made some great friends there (who I miss very much!). I loved being able to read children's books all day long. I loved being called "Teacher!" - some teachers hated that, but I liked it. I loved watching their writing go from something completely illegible at the beginning of the year to something much better by the end. I loved teaching them to read, but also to love books.

The teachers at my school are going back to school tomorrow - but not me. I will be taking care of Will, cleaning, packing, and flying to California. It will be my first official day as a stay-at-home mom.

It will be so different not to go back tomorrow. It has been so strange to walk by all of the school supplies in Target and not buy 20 of everything. It has been sad to look at the few shelves of books in Will's room and think about the 50 (slight exaggeration) shelves of books I left behind in Utah. It has also been sad to see so many cute teaching ideas pinned on Pinterest. I get excited every time and then remember that they don't apply to me anymore.

So I am a little sad, but also very grateful. The timing of everything worked out so well to allow me to stay home with Will. I am SO glad that I chose to marry someone who had the same priority of me staying home to raise our children. I am grateful that Daniel has a good job so that we can afford to do that.

Still, it will mean some sacrifices. For about four months, we experienced having two real incomes. Wow! I had no idea what that was like. It is probably a good thing that we only had that for four months, because I did think (for about a second) how great that would be on a permanent basis. I had dreams of a house, vacations, and all kinds of other nice things - which I know we will have someday, just not yet. And I'm okay with that. We have a wonderful life.

To end, here is a picture of the little guy who makes it all worth it. I adore being his mama.

Okay, three pictures. I couldn't resist.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Anniversary Celebrations

Our 4th Anniversary is on Thursday (August 16th). Daniel will be working during the day, and then we are flying to California that night for Daniel's sister's wedding. We are very excited about the wedding and getting to visit both of our families, but traveling is not the most fun/romantic way to spend an anniversary. So, we decided to do part of our celebrating this weekend.

This is our first anniversary with a baby, which meant that we had to get a babysitter! Thankfully, Skyler and Tiffany were nice enough to watch Will. It was his first time being babysat by anyone besides family, but he survived (and so did I)! We went to eat some delicious fondue at The Melting Pot. We love that place. Sadly, we forgot our camera, so you will just have to look at the logo and imagine us there.

After we picked up Will, it was still early, so we headed to the mall. I was excited to get some new clothes (and by "new clothes" I mean "clothes that fit me" - still working on that baby weight...). Daniel was excited to get some video games that we can play together (we are always on a quest to find games we both enjoy). And then my favorite part of the night...

Photo-booth pictures!!! These pictures were especially flattering of Will. Make sure you notice Will's face on picture #3. And #1. I bet #2 and #4 would have been pretty great too if I hadn't cut off his face.

I laugh every time I see that face in #3. I don't know how he made such crazy faces, but I am so glad we captured them! We have decided that photo-booth picture will be a fun tradition with our kids each year. It will be especially fun to try to fit our whole family in, as it was a very tight fit for just two adults and a baby.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Instead of taking a shower...

This morning, I was about to take a shower. The water was on, the baby was on the floor of the bathroom, and the bathroom door was locked. I like to lock the bathroom door just so I know that my baby is not being kidnapped while I shower. I know it is completely unnecessary, but I'm just crazy like that.

Suddenly, I looked at Will and was absolutely overcome by his cuteness! I ran to get my camera so I could get a few pictures (and ended up with a video, too). In the video, you can even hear the shower water still running. Yes, I am a water waster. It didn't occur to me until after I was done with the camera that I could have turned off the water. Like I said, he was just so adorable. I wasn't thinking straight.

This video is probably only cute for family members. Not a lot happens in it, but I thought I would include it anyway. I hardly ever watch other people's videos on their blog, so I really won't be offended if you don't watch mine.

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Here in the Larsen family, we love food. Food is what I plan every vacation (okay, even a quick trip out of the house) around. We love to eat - and Will loves to nurse. He loves to nurse every 2 1/2 hours or so (and sometimes more often). So we thought that he was going to love eating "real" food.

The doctor said to start introducing rice cereal between 4 to 6 months. Being the patient people that we are, we decided to start exactly on his 4 month birthday. 

We got the food ready. 

We got the baby ready. 


(my personal favorite)

Hmm. It was not as successful as we thought it would be. There was shock, revulsion, panicked breathing, and gagging.

I tried to make it exciting.

Daniel tried to make it exciting.

It soon became obvious that not one bite was going to be swallowed.

Since then, we have managed a few bites of avocado and then a few bites of rice cereal (but only when mixed with applesauce). Still, after so many sad pictures, I think we need to end on a happy one. Look at my handsome boys all ready for church the next day:

Thankfully, Will had forgiven us for the betrayal of trust the day before.